Lecture presentations (in Slovak)
Introduction (symbolic AI, rational agent and environment)
Search space
Uninformed state space search (breadth/depth first, iter.deepening, uniform cost)
Informed state space search (greedy search, A*)
Search in different environments (memory bounded)
Game tree search (minimax, alfa-beta prunning, expectimax)
(pdf verzia)
Constraints (consistency enforcing, search)
DPLL algorithm
Prolog and Clips
(prolog pdf
Propositional and first-order logics (syntax, semantics,
Internet materials/demos
Code experiments
Software online tools
Code snippets
Students' projects (2018)
Auxiliary code for Mancala project
Final exam topics
- State space definition
- Search tree (tree nodes versus states)
- Properties of search strategies
- Breadth-first search - algorithm, properties
- Depth-first search - algorithm, properties, depth limitation
- Iterative deepening
- Uniform cost search
- Bidirectional search
- Best-first search - algorithm structure
- Cost function types
- Greedy search - cost function, algorithm, properties
- A* - cost function, algorithm
- A* - heuristic function admissibility deduction
- Optimality and complexity of A*
- Creation of heuristics
- Memory bounded search (RBFS)
- A* - suboptimal search (A*eps, dynamic weighting)
- Game trees (deterministic turn-taking two-player zero-sum games)
- Evaluation of game tree nodes (minimax)
- Alfa-beta prunning
- Partial game trees (static evaluation function, cutting off level)
- Games with chance (expectiminimax)
- Constraints (domains, explicit and induced constraints, search space)
- Constraint network
- Consistency ((i,j)-consistency, arc, path and inverse path consistency)
- Consistency enforcing algorithms (AC)
- Combination of consistency levels (RPC, k-RPC, max-RPC)
- Singleton consistency algorithms (SAC, SPIC, SRPC)
- Search-based solving of constrained problems (backtracking)
- Search improvement - jump algorithms (conflict-directed backjumping)
- Search improvement - memory algorithms (backchecking, no-goods recording)
- Search improvement - ordering algorithms (variable ordering, value ordering)
- Combination of consistency and search algorithms (forward checking)
- Problem reduction, AND/OR graphs
- AND/OR graph search (breadth first, heuristic)
- Logic and inference (entailment, soundness, completeness and grounding)
- Propositional logic (syntax, semantics)
- Inference in propositional logic (model checking, direct proof, refutation proof)
- Knowledge representation (grounding, variables, constraints)
- CNF (syntax, transformation)
- Basic tasks in propositional logic (model searching, deduction)
- Resolution in propositional logic (principles, strategies)
- DPLL algorithm (basic form)
- DPLL algorithm - extensions
- DPLL -Implication graph, conflict analysis
- DPLL algorithm - heuristics
- SAT encoding (cardinality constraints)
- Zero/First order predicate logic (syntax)
- Variables in FOL (free/bound variables, quantifiers)
- Semantics of FOL (interpretations)
- Knowledge representation in FOL, transformation to CNF
- Inference in FOL (proof by refutation)
- Resolution in first order logic
- Unification of literals
- Resolution-based algorithm (extensions)
- Answering questions in FOL
- Derivation graph, resolution strategies
- Horn logic
- Backward chaining (principle, resolution rule)
- Backward chaining algorithm
- Prolog (syntax, depth-first database searching)
- Box model