Task relax
This task depends on domain knowledge too. If the task is
successful and some constraint has been relaxed, information on
this fact is inserted into the database. This information can be used
the test following this task. If there is no proper rule to relax
some violated constraint, the task retains the information about
this in the database:
(defrule relax1
(declare (salience -10))
(job relaxation)
(not (result success))
(assert (result failure))
Since the fact of failure can occur in the database only if the
task is not successful, the priority of the rule relax1
lower than the priority of other rules of the task.
Relaxation of some constraint can cause the inactivation of a
constraint. If this inactivated constraint is violated, its slots
viol-param and cons-violation should be set
(because now
they have no sense)
(defrule non-active-constraint
(declare (salience 10))
?a <- (object (is-a constraint)
(active no)
(cons-violation yes))
(send ?a put-cons-violation no)
(send ?a put-viol-param (create$ ))
Priority of the rule ensures that these two slots can be changed
before the activity is transferred to the next task.
The form of rules dedicated to the relaxation of constraints can
vary a lot. Basic pattern of these rules is:
(defrule relax-<constraint>-<order number>
(job relaxation)
?a <- (constraint-to-relax <constraint>)
(retract ?a)
(assert (result success))
The rule expects information on which constraint is to be
in the database. This information has been asserted to the
database by the previous task.
The activities contained in the action part of these rules can
vary. They can contain a simple inactivation of the relaxed
constraint (which can depend on the current state of the
the activation and/or inactivation of other constraints, or the
modification of parameter values. Several rules can be associated
with the relaxation of one constraint (they can be ordered by