Task evaluate

This task can be accomplished only by domain dependent rules which correspond to the definitions of particular constraints. Every constraint can be related to two groups of rules: If some group consists of more than one rule, the order number of the rule forms the last (hyphenated) part of the name of this rule.

The analysis of some constraint violations is performed only for those parameters which can violate the investigated constraint. The list of these parameters can be found in the slot cons-param of the constraint under investigation or it can be indicated directly in related rules (what is less elegant but it can save one test in the condition part of these rules).

There are two special cases when the last parameter is deleted from the slot viol-param and the slot is empty (thus the constraint is not violated although in its slot cons-violation remains the value yes) or a parameter is asserted into the empty slot viol-param (thus the constraint is violated although in its slot cons-violation remains the value no). In order to keep all slots of every constraint consistent, there are rules:

(defrule violation-no
(declare (salience 10))
?a <- (object (is-a constraint)
(cons-violation yes)
(send ?a put-cons-violation no)
(defrule violation-yes
(declare (salience 10))
?a <- (object (is-a constraint)
(cons-violation no)
(viol-param ? $?))
(send ?a put-cons-violation yes)
The priority of these rules enables their firing before the activity transfer to the next task.