Some remarks to the implementation
The implementation does not concern:
- the speed of the developed application
The speed of every system based on domain knowledge heavily
depends on the quality of used knowledge. Since we did not
try to optimize either the quality of knowledge being used
the system performance, the execution time of the solution
(PC 386 sx / 25 MHz - 243 sec and
PC 586 / 75 MHz - 9 sec)
has only illustrative meaning. In spite of this, it
that CLIPS requires more powerful computing facilities.
- economic use of system resources
Some means of CLIPS were used in a considerably careless
trifling away CLIPS resources (e.g. excessive number of
activations in agenda although only one rule was fired and
the other activations were removed - for instance when
activity was transferred to the task evaluate for the first
time there were 1490 activations on the agenda).
- consistent use of CLIPS means
A lot of CLIPS means able to make the final implementation
more effective were not used in our test implementation,
especially those dedicated to handle complex programs
the possibility of partitioning the program into several
independent modules with the focus only on one module at
same time).
The program was written in an incremental way. First, the CLIPS
system version 6.03 in the form of 16 bit application running
WfW 3.11 was used. At a certain stage of the program development
the used CLIPS version kept crashing (with the obligatory general
fault protection message) and was not able to find a solution.
the next stage the CLIPS system version 6.03 in the form of 32
application running under DOS 5.0 has been used.
This experience can indicate that the CLIPS resources are not
unlimited and that the consistent use of all means offered by
to decrease the resource consumption is necessary, especially for
the implementation of complex problems.